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Wholesale of grain, bean and oilseeds

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    All about the company in 45 seconds

    Why cooperation with us Is it simple, reliable and profitable?

    High product quality

    We trust the shipment control in terms of quality and quantity to our regular partners and experts Baltic Control and SGS, who are world leaders in the field of inspection services, examination, testing and certification.

    Shipment geography

    Today we export our products to more than 30 countries around the world.

    More than 7 years in the market

    The experience of these years, high qualifications and professional, well-coordinated work of the company’s employees, allows us to guarantee the fulfillment of orders of any complexity and volume, to avoid mistakes in doing business and thereby minimize the risks of our partners.

    Profitable price

    Financing direct producers for the future crop, providing them with chemicals for processing crops, supplying seeds and agricultural machinery allows us to minimize prices.

    Flexible payment terms

    The ExportGrain group of companies has large stocks of offered products all year round and systematically replenishes them as the product is sold, which allows: eliminating seasonality in our business. conclude long-term contracts at a fixed price. work on the terms of post payment or partial prepayment. This leads to the maximum reduction of risks of changes in the price of goods in connection with changes in the exchange rate or market conditions. All of the above guarantees the sustainable development of your and our business.

    The success of our company is based on highly qualified personnel

    His competence in the field of services and professional, well-coordinated team work, which in turn allows us to guarantee the fulfillment of orders of any complexity and volume, thereby increasing the number of customers annually and expanding the geography of the market.

    Shipment geography

    Professionals work with you

    Akhmetov Akhmet


    phone:+77711695323 /

    Skype: ExportGrain_Akhmet

    Ivanov Alexander


    Phone:+77057564477 /

    Skype: ExportGrain_Alexandr

    Stetsenko Irina


    Phone:+77710816699 /

    Skype: ExportGrain_Darya

    Zhevnedey Julia


    Phone:+77710292110 /

    Skype: ExportGrain_Yuliya

    Kopeeva Zhanna


    Phone:+77057564020 /

    Skype: ExportGrain_Zhanna

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